Are you past ovulation and wondering if you could be pregnant? Many women check their calendars and try to determine if they have any early signs of pregnancy. I’m here to discuss 6 DPO symptoms to look for to detect early pregnancy.
An Explanation of DPO
When researching the internet, you may stumble upon sites that provide day by day after ovulation guides; however, this article focuses on six general symptoms of DPO rather than Day 6 of DPO.
DPO stands for “Days Past Ovulation.” For women paying attention to their calendars in hopes of getting pregnant, this acronym holds special meaning. It is simply the number of days past ovulation when you may begin to experience early pregnancy symptoms.
Many doctors stress the idea that women should wait until they have missed a period and taken a pregnancy tests before claiming to be pregnant. This is because many of the DPO symptoms mimic symptoms of an upcoming menstrual period.
Keeping this in mind, I still believe if you know your body, you may be able to recognize when your body is not acting normal. By reviewing these 6 DPO symptoms to detect early pregnancy, you may be able to gage whether you are may be pregnant or just awaiting your monthly period.
1. Feeling Fatigued?
One of the most common early signs of pregnancy is fatigue. In general, if you feel more tired and sluggish than usual this may be a DPO symptom signifying early pregnancy. Feeling more fatigued than usual is a symptom of early pregnancy because your body has already started to work on your developing your pregnancy.
Upon conception, your body produces more progesterone. This evaluated production of the hormone may make you tired. In addition, your body is also producing more blood to help in the development of your baby. No wonder you feel fatigued!
Checkpregnancy offers this helpful advice: “Feeling tired is completely normal, but try to avoid stimulants like caffeine as these can be harmful to your baby in high doses. Eat a healthy, balanced diet and get plenty of rest if you’re feeling tired.”
2. Experiencing Implantation Bleeding or Cramping?

Depending on the DPO, you may experience some light spotting or mild cramping. This occurs at the implantation stage when the fertilized egg attached to the uterine lining, which may result in some light bleeding. This occurs in about a third of women.
Since the symptoms of implantation occur about 10 DPO and the menstruation symptoms are very similar, it is often confused with a menstrual cycle. Many women often mistake implantation bleeding for their menstrual cycle or vice versa.
In addition, some women do notice some mild cramping that is slightly different from menstrual cramps. As we discussed, this cramping is more mild and does not last long.
If you are someone who does not usually have cramps and has a regular menstrual cycle, you may be able to identify this as a symptom of early pregnancy.
3. Have You Had Any Headaches?
Along with all the hormonal changes, another common DPO symptom is headaches. Several women noticed having a headache in the days past ovulation prior to taking a pregnancy test. With all the hormonal changes beginning to take place, it is normal for women to have headaches.
However, many women also have headaches before and during their menstrual cycle as a result of hormone changes. If you are a woman who does not have headaches often, but you do notice them in the DPO, then it may be an early pregnancy symptom.
Intermountain Moms provide a helpful explanation of early pregnancy symptoms and how to distinguish between early pregnancy and menstruation from symptoms such as headaches. As the nurse discusses, it is very difficult to identify DPO symptoms as early pregnancy without taking a pregnancy test.
4. Wondering Why You Feel Constipated or Gassy?
Some of the more unpleasant and embarrassing early pregnancy symptoms are constipation and gas. If you feel a sudden change in your bowel movements, you may be experiencing these DPO symptoms.
Hormone changes also affect your digestive track and slow things down – way down sometimes. Many pregnant women become constipated and have fewer bowel movements as a result. Constipation can also lead to bloating, cramping, and gas.
Since things are moving more slowly in your digestive tract, undigested food has longer to wait before it is passed. This leads to fermentation, which leads to gas and bloating.
Healthline suggests, “Increasing your water and fiber intake and limiting carbonated drinks and gas-producing foods (broccoli, beans, dairy, etc.) can ease constipation and flatulence.”
5. Have You Noticed Your Breasts Feel Tender or Swollen?

Another common DPO symptom is tender breasts. This is often also one of the first symptoms a pregnant woman recognizes. Other women claim their breasts felt heavier or appeared swollen.
The increase of hormones means increased blood flow which can cause your breasts to feel tender since your breast tissue is changing. Your breasts are now developing milk ducts and milk producing cells. These changes can make your breasts feel tender or sensitive.
Do not be overly concerned about this DPO symptom because the tenderness will eventually subside.
Countdown to Pregnancy suggests, “As your body adjusts to the new surge of hormones the pain should subside. Soaking in a warm bath may help alleviate some discomfort, and consider sleeping in a comfortable bra. As your breasts change in size be sure to always wear a well-fitting supportive bra.”
6. Has Your Vaginal Discharge Changed?
Many women trying to conceive will pay attention to changes in their vaginal discharge. This is because vaginal discharge changes during the month according to ovulation and menstruation. It also changes as a result of pregnancy.
If you notice more vaginal discharge than usual, it may be a DPO symptom of early pregnancy. Often, there is an increase of this cervical fluid. Typically, it is a white, milky like odorless substance, but it may be clear.
This could be the result of vaginal walls changing thickness due to conception. A woman’s vaginal discharge does change according to her monthly menstruation cycle, so unless you are paying close attention, you may not notice the change.
Wrapping Up
Are you satisfied with this list? Have you noticed any of these DPO symptoms yourself? I remember feeling anxious and wondering if every different thing I felt in my body meant I was pregnant – most women trying to become pregnant feel this way!
I hope this list of DPO symptoms helps ease some of your anxious feelings. Let me know what you think in the comments and please share this article if you feel it was helpful.
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