Pregnancy is one of the most important periods of the parenthood. It changes our tastes and habits naturally, without our wish, preparing a future mother for a new life.
Unfortunately, not all pregnancies are successful. Sometimes woman’s body decides to stop growing a baby inside without any reasons, and miscarriage happens.
It is very important to know its symptoms and analyse causes of miscarriage, in order to give a happy birth to a healthy baby next time.
When can Miscarriage Happen?
Miscarriage can happen any time during pregnancy, and most commonly, during the first trimester.
Every fourth pregnancy ends up in miscarriage in the very first weeks. Sometimes a woman may even not know that she is pregnant.
In most cases, this early miscarriage can tell you that the body is not quite ready for pregnancy or you should change your current lifestyle and habits, or the embryo was weak and sick.
Doctors consider unsuccessful pregnancy as a miscarriage during the first half of the pregnancy. After the 20th week they name it a stillbirth.
If miscarriages happen later during pregnancy, and you had a few of them, there might be some serious problem with parents’ health and the doctor will set up the treatment for you.
How does the Miscarriage Happen?

As soon as you get pregnant, your body naturally will behave rebelliously and will fight against stranger’s cells. In the early weeks of pregnancy it will try to clean out the fertilized egg and then an embryo that has just formed.
Miscarriage is always stressful. Everyone knows that such a threat may exist, but not everyone knows its symptoms and how to prevent it.
What are the Most Common Symptoms of Miscarriage?
Any miscarriage at any time during pregnancy has common symptoms. They are usually pain and bleeding, but the intensity and nature of them can be different.
At 6-8 weeks miscarriage looks like a late period, but with a heavier bleeding and some blood clots in the discharge. In this case it is impossible to save your pregnancy.
When the bleeding is very mild and looks like one time spotting on the hygienic pads, please never leave it without attention, rush to the doctor. There is a very high chance to save your pregnancy.
If there is nothing disturbing you, even with mild bleeding, doctor will more likely recommend you to calm down, minimize physical activity and avoid stress.
What are Other Symptoms of Miscarriage besides Bleeding?
Hypertonus of uterus, especially when you feel discomfort or pain with cramps.
Severe pain in a lower belly and sometimes in the lower back.
Diarrhea and nausea and unusual weakness.
Even if there is no bleeding, but you have any of these symptoms, you should go to the doctor.
It is also very important to see the doctor for regular examinations. There can be no common symptoms of miscarriage, no bleeding and no pain, but the tests will help you and the doctor to identify an emergency.
How can the Doctor can Prevent my Miscarriage?

If you planned your pregnancy and got necessary check ups, it is possible that all the infections have been treated and all the physiological issues have been resolved. Then you will have better chances to have a successful pregnancy.
It is very important to see your doctor as soon as you feel like you are pregnant.
From the first weeks of pregnancy doctor is able to diagnose possible miscarriage, even if there are no symptoms for it.
Doctor will take your hCG hormone level test which confirms your pregnancy and will definitely do ultrasound, as the most reliable source of information. To identify any emergency your doctor will check up the following:
If the embryo/baby is present in the womb and if it is a multiple pregnancy;
Take baby’s heartbeat;
The condition of the womb and tonus of uterus;
Measure the size of cervix and uterus and if they are equivalent to your pregnancy dates;
If your cervix is closed.
What Causes a Miscarriage?
Any chromosomal abnormalities that do not allow the embryo to grow properly;
Hormone levels;
Diabetes and other illnesses or medication;
Environmental hazards, radiation or toxic chemicals;
Abnormal cervix length and quality, etc.
My Story of Miscarriage on the 13th Week.
My second pregnancy was highly desirable, waited and absolutely normal. I had only one problem - cinnamon, I smelled it everywhere. That is why I decided that my quick business trip will not be a problem for my future baby.
During my 9-hour return flight I noticed a small dark brown spot on the pants, but as soon as I did not have any pain, and no more bleeding, I decided to see my doctor on the scheduled appointment two days later.
Unfortunately, two days later the doctor could not hear my baby’s heartbeat, and ultrasound confirmed that the baby was dead.
In my case, I had some infection and a small fibroid on the side of my uterus.
Mild bleeding or no bleeding along with other symptoms should be referred to the doctor’s examination as soon as possible. Your doctor may know what caused your miscarriage, but it would be better if he helps you to prevent it at the right time.