There’s nothing better than going with a traditional name for your child, but middle names for Jacob can be a bit difficult to think of. When you are naming them such a strong name, we get it—it’s difficult to find a middle name!
Thankfully, you don’t need to worry. We have a lot of great ideas for middle names for Jacob that you might just want to use. The name Jacob comes from the Bible.
The biblical story of Jacob is one that is revered throughout time. It’s very important to Christians, but now the name Jacob has been one that is used quite often throughout the world.
It doesn’t have a definitive meaning, but many believe the name means “may God protect.” That’s a pretty great thing to have for your child! If you want some middle names for Jacob, keep on reading.
Try Going Longer
Jacob is a pretty short name, and if you want to mix things up, you could go with a longer middle name. This can make the name sound really good when said aloud, and there are some great ones to choose from. We really love Jacob William, Jacob Theodore, Jacob Benjamin, and Jacob Abraham.
Go Shorter

If you have a really long last name, you may not want to have a long middle name. In that case, try sticking with names that are two or one syllables. This can make your last name not sound so long. Some that we really love are Jacob Noah, Jacob Liam, Jacob Mike, and Jacob James.
Go Trendy
Sometimes, you just want a name for your child that is going to be unique. Since Jacob isn’t a very unique name, you may want to go trendy with the middle name. This is something that lots of people do, and it’s a great way to try and mix things up!
If you aren’t sure whether trendy will work for you, just know that everyone is doing it! There are a few different ways you can go trendy. One, you can use one of the unique names that are on the top 100 list. Or two, you could come up with a unique name all by yourself. There’s no limit as to what can and can’t be a name these days, so don’t fear!
If you want top 100 names, we love Jacob Easton, Jacob Jasper, or Jacob Mickey. If you want to go unique and create your own name, there is so much to choose from! Try going with a favorite color or activity.
We really like Jacob Jet if you live to fly, and Jacob Blue if you love the color blue! You can even use things like Jacob Fox, Jacob Lemon, or Jacob Indie.
Stick With Tradition
If traditional names are in your wheelhouse, you could always stick to what you know. There’s nothing wrong with traditional names, and it can actually sound even better than other names thanks to the first name being Jacob.
When searching for middle names for Jacob, we challenge you to stick with traditional names. They really sound good with the name! There are a few choices to go with, like Jacob George, Jacob Harry, Jacob Charles, and Jacob Edward.
Honor Someone You Love

One of the best ways to honor someone you love is to use their name as a middle name. This can be anyone that you know and love. You and your partner can decide who has been influential throughout your life and use them as a middle name.
If you plan on using someone as a godfather, maybe use their name as the middle name. Or, if you had a family relative that passed on a bit too early and didn’t get to meet your baby, using their name for a middle name is a great way to remember them. We can’t tell you who to honor, but we know it will be someone very special to you!
Double Surnames
Another great option for middle names for Jacob is if you aren’t sure which surname you are going with. If you and your partner have different last names, it could be nice to use one of the surnames as a middle name.
This prevents you from having to hyphenate your child’s last name, which is something many of us try to avoid. It also sounds really good for a middle name! Their name won’t be forever long with two last names, but they can always show both last names if they choose to. It’s a great compromise!Just Remember
When you’re choosing middle names for Jacob, you know best. You’re naming your child, and this is the first choice of many that you will have to make. Do you have any other ideas for middle names? Let us know in the comments below!