Choosing the perfect name for your baby can often be one of the greatest pregnancy challenges that many couples face. Many names are not only beautiful but also carry a great deal of history and fascinating origins and meanings, which can also make the choice more difficult.
If the name Madelyn is on your list of potential choices, you may be wondering about names that will go along with it. To help you choose middle names for Madelyn, a little background on the name and some suggestions may help.
History and Popularity of the Name Madelyn
Many names, especially in today’s culture where parents often tweak the spellings of names for individuality, are variants of older names. Madelyn is no different.
Madelyn is a variant of the name Madeline, which is the English form of the name Magdalene. Magdalene is the famous surname of Mary Magdalene.
Mary Magdalene was a woman from The Bible who was cleansed of evil spirits by Jesus. She went on to follow him through the rest of his ministry while he lived.
She was present with his mother, Mary, during his crucifixion, and she is also believed to have been one of the first people to witness Jesus after his resurrection.
She was also a very popular saint during the Middle Ages, which is where the name, and its variations, became popular.
The meaning of Madelyn, which is believed to be Greek, is High Tower, and throughout the years, the name has grown rather popular. In the early 2000s, Madelyn was often found in the Social Security Office’s list of names between 101-200, but in the last ten or so years has risen to the top 100 names, being 63rd in 2017.
Biblical Middle Names for Madelyn
Because the name Madelyn has its roots from a popular Biblical name, you may want to pair it with an equally Biblical middle name. Thankfully, the Bible is full of lovely, female names that range from popular to rather unique.
Names like Madelyn Abigail, Madelyn Rachel, Madelyn Eve, Madelyn Hannah, Madelyn Mary, Madelyn Sarah, Madelyn Leah, Madelyn Delilah, Madelyn Naomi, Madelyn Esther, Madelyn Dorcas, Madelyn Ruth, Madelyn Miriam, Madelyn Dinah, Madelyn Deborah, Madelyn Judith, Madelyn Tamar, Madelyn Lois, Madelyn Martha, Madelyn Salome, Madelyn Phoebe, Madelyn Anna, and Madelyn Beulah are all beautiful, Biblical names.
Traditional English Middle Names for Madelyn

If you like the history behind the name Madelyn, but prefer not to use a Biblical name, then a traditional English name may be a better fit.
Names like Madelyn Ada, Madelyn Adele, Madelyn Adelaide, Madelyn Blythe, Madelyn Celia, Madelyn Charlotte, Madelyn Cora, Madelyn Daisy, Madelyn Della, Madelyn Dorothy, Madelyn Eleanor, Madelyn Elise, Madelyn Elizabeth, Madelyn Flora, Madelyn Gwendolyn, Madelyn Hazel, Madelyn Iris, Madelyn Jane, Madelyn June, Madelyn Lenora, Madelyn Lillian, Madelyn Lucy, Madelyn May, Madelyn Myra, Madelyn Neva, Madelyn Olivia, Madelyn Rose, Madelyn Scarlett, Madelyn Sophie, Madelyn Victoria, Madelyn Viola, or Madelyn Willa are great traditional English names.
Modern Middle Names for Madelyn

Many parents like to go for modern names for their children, and it is no different with middle names.
Over the years, the list of modern names has grown dramatically, with some names being variations of older ones, some are traditional names from other cultures, and some are simply new creations.
Names like Madelyn Zara, Madelyn Stella, Madelyn Summer, Madelyn Rozalia, Madelyn Maisie, Madelyn Ivy, Madelyn Eden, Madelyn Ariana, Madelyn Gigi, Madelyn Saskia, Madelyn Penelope, Madelyn Trixie, Madelyn Xanthe, Madelyn Celine, Madelyn Ciara, Madelyn Chiara, Madelyn Isabella, Madelyn Mila, Madelyn Chloe, Madelyn Ava, Madelyn Maya, Madelyn Willow, Madelyn Talia, Madelyn Isla, and Madelyn Coco are all unique names that would make excellent choices as middle names for Madelyn.
Family Middle Names for Madelyn
A wonderful way to add a personal touch to the name of your baby is to include the name of a beloved friend or family member.
Using the name of a loved one gives your child the opportunity to share a bond with whomever she shares a name, and also opens the door for sharing family stories together about the name and the person.
Sharing these stories also provides your child with a unique opportunity for the future as well; many children like to share the origins of their names with their school playmates, and having a family name and a story behind the name provides your child with a fun tale about their own name.
While giving your child a family name is not necessary to create that special bond, it does serve as a constant reminder of the love you have for the that special loved one in your life and your child as well.
Madelyn is a beautiful name with an interesting origin history, which may warm the hearts of those who follow the Christian faith. Whether your choice is to pair Madelyn with a Biblical name, a traditional English name, or a more modern, unique name, it makes a wonderful choice for any child.