We all know that children, teens, and adults should take vitamins to make sure that their body has everything that it needs to be healthy. But lots of new moms assume that their infants are getting everything that they need from either their breast milk or their formula.
While both of these foods are packed full of essentials, they don’t cover everything that your little one needs. Which is why, of course, that you need to be sure that you also include the best vitamin d drops for infants into their daily routine.
It can be exceedingly difficult to choose the right vitamin d drops, simply because there are so many different choices out there. Well, don’t you worry, because I am here to help! I have done all of the hard work for you and collected a list of the best vitamin d drops out there. I’ll also guide you through everything that you need to know to make sure you can get the best drops for your little one.
Best Vitamin D Drops For Infants
Vitamin D Drops For Infants |
Ddrops Baby *Best Choice* |
(*) Below, you'll find my detailed review, but you can also click the links above to see prices and read customer opinions.

Why Do Babies Need A Vitamin D Supplement?
Now, you might be thinking, “Vitamin D? Don’t we get that from sunlight? Why do I need a supplement for my baby when I can just put them in the sun?”
Well, for starters, even though adults and older children can get all the vitamin d that they need from the sun, babies don’t have that luxury.
Infants and newborns, in particular, have extremely sensitive skin. For this reason alone, they cannot be put out in the sunlight like everyone else.
It is much safer, and therefore a better idea, to instead give them their vitamin d through a supplement.
Why Is Vitamin D Important?
Vitamin D is important because it helps our body complete lots of different functions. In children, however, it is important for proper bone health and growth.
Too little vitamin d can result in the development of rickets, or a softening of the bones. This could lead to lots of broken bones, which is, obviously, less than ideal.
What To Keep In Mind When Looking For The Best Vitamin D Drops For Infants

There are several key factors that you need to keep in mind when you are looking for the best vitamin d drops for infants. In this section, I’ll go through everything you need to know to make sure you get the right drops for your baby.
Ingredients – Since this is something that you will be giving to your little baby, you want to make sure that you aware of the ingredients that are put into the drops that you purchase.
You can either choose from naturally created drops or chemically crafted ones. In my opinion, you should steer clear of anything with too many chemicals.
This includes anything with a bunch of unnecessary coloring additives. These additives are put into different medicines and foods to make them more appealing. Since this is a supplement for an infant, they are unnecessary and potentially harmful.
Taste – No matter if you choose to go the all-natural route or get a vitamin that is chemically derived, you will want to make sure that you get one that has a good taste. Otherwise, it might be a tough sell to get your baby to take it each night.
It is best to go for a flavor that you wouldn’t mind tasting as a starting point. Odds are, you and your baby will have a similar arrangement of taste buds, making it more likely that they will enjoy similar tastes to you. Since you can’t ask them what they like, this is a good way to go about it.
Though, of course, you shouldn’t be surprised if they don’t like the first flavor you give them. Don’t be afraid to try something different with them until you find one that they like.
Administration – Most vitamin d drops come with some form of a dropper. Even though you might remember taking medicine from a small cup when you are little, your baby is much too little to take their vitamins in this manner. Instead, you need to pay close attention to your infant’s weight and measure it out appropriately with the provided dropper.
No matter the age of your baby, they don’t need too much of their vitamins to be good and healthy. Make sure that you don’t give them more than their required dose.
Even though you might think that the more they get of their drops, the better off, they will be, this is not exactly true. It could have a detrimental effect on them, so make sure you stick to the prescribed dosage.
Quantity – Most of the vitamin d drops on the market come in similarly sized bottles. You should not, however, be afraid to stock up on as much of it as you can find.
Since your little one will need to take this supplement for a good long time, you should always be sure to have as much of it on hand as possible. If you can get larger sized bottles, you most certainly should do that, since they are usually more cost-effective.
Other Health Benefits – Now, while we are focusing mostly on vitamin d drops here, you also should be on the lookout for supplements that offer other health benefits. Some of the different products on the market will also add other essential vitamins, which is always a great idea.
Top 5 Vitamin D Drops For Infants
1. Ddrops Baby *Best Choice*

The Good: If you truly are looking for the simplest of formulas to make sure you have the best vitamin d drops for infants, then this just might be your best choice.
It is very simply formulated, and only has two ingredients. These are, of course, vitamin d, and coconut oil. This simple formulation will be sure to keep your baby healthy, especially since it does not contain any artificial flavors, colors, or chemicals.
One bottle will also last you a good long time. Each bottle contains 90 drops. Since you will only need one drop per day, that means each bottle will last you about three months. This is an amazing value, considering each bottle is not too terribly expensive.
The Bad: While it is a good idea to shoot for an all-natural supplement, the flavor of these drops might be a bit off-putting for some babies. While the taste is pleasant, it might not be sweet enough for some infants.
The Long and Short of It: This is a very simple, easy to use, and inexpensive vitamin d drop, which is exactly what you are looking for!
2. UpSpring Wellbaby D Vitamin

The Good: This supplement is another good choice if you are trying to go the all-natural route. It is specially formulated for newborns, though it can be used with older children as well. It is completely dye, chemical, stain, and sugar-free.
Each bottle will last you about ninety days, and is relatively inexpensive, making this another pretty good buy.
The Bad: The dropper that comes with this supplement is very easy to use, but very difficult to keep clean. Since you will use this dropper constantly, you will want to keep it as clean as possible, or you might accidentally make your little one sick.
Since you cannot remove the top of the dropper, it is harder to clean out the inside of the tubing as well as I would like.
The Long and Short of It: This supplement is all-natural, and each bottle will last you a nice long time. It is also relatively inexpensive. The only real issue here is the dropper, which might be difficult to keep clean.
3. Natural Health Goodies Vitamin D

The Good: This is yet another all-natural vitamin d supplement that would be perfect for your little one. It doesn’t contain any harmful chemicals, dyes, sugars, or preservatives.
One of the biggest differences between this product and the other supplements on this list is the number of servings within the bottle. While most of the other products contain a 90 day supply, these drops will last you a whopping 536 days!
Talk about value! These would last your little one all through their first year and then some.
The Bad: Like the previous entry, the dropper leaves a lot to be desired. While you can disassemble this one to clean it, it doesn’t always go back together correctly. This makes it more difficult to utilize.
If you do end up getting these vitamins, I highly recommend that you get a different dropper, so that you don’t have to deal with it breaking down all of the time.
The Long and Short of It: These drops will last you very long time. Each bottle contains enough supplements for more than a year’s worth of use, making them an excellent value.
4. BioGaia Probiotics and Vitamin D

The Good: Unlike all of the other products that I looked into, this one is not just a vitamin d supplement. If your baby is experiencing digestive problems related to colic or an allergy, the odds are that your doctor has recommended giving them a probiotic.
Now, if you are anything like me, the last thing you want to do is to have to remember a whole bunch of different supplements. Which is why I love these drops! They are a combination of probiotics and vitamin d, which will help to simplify your life.
The Bad: Of course, by combining these two necessities, you will also have to pay a bit more than you would if you got vitamin d alone. Each of these bottles only contains about 50 servings, which means they won’t last as long as some others. Each bottle is also more expensive than vitamin d drops alone.
The Long and Short of It: These drops are great for a baby that has digestive issues and also needs vitamin d. While they are more expensive than some other vitamin d supplements, it is well worth it to avoid the hassle of having to coordinate multiple supplements for your baby.
5. Zahler Vitamin D3

The Good: These specially formulated vitamin d drops are made with absolutely no chemicals or dyes. They are made to be completely odorless and tasteless, which will go a long way toward getting your little one to take them easily. All you need to do is simply give them one drop a day, and you will be good to go.
These drops are also the longest lasting of all the ones I looked at. Each bottle will last for about 680 servings. Yes, you read that correctly! Each little bottle will last for almost two whole years!
The Bad: Though the dropper that comes with these vitamins is easy to use, it is a bit too fast for my liking. The vitamins come out very quickly, making it difficult to only get one serving out of the bottle each time. With a bit of practice, this might get better, but you might end up wasting a bit before you get the hang of it.
The Long and Short of It: If you are in the market for a long lasting bottle of vitamins, then this might be the right choice for you!
And The Winner Is...
Of all the different vitamin d drops that I looked into, I found that the Ddrops Baby is by far the best vitamin d drops for infants out there. They have an all-natural formula, easy to use a dropper, and will last a good long time. I highly recommend that you check them out and give them a try!
Nutritious And Delicious!
Ahhh, now doesn’t that feel so good! Now you know everything you need to to find the perfect vitamin d drops for your little one. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this article. Have a great day!