Adding a child to your family is one of the most exciting things a parent will ever do, however, pregnancy can also bring on bouts of stress and insomnia. From worries about finances and parenting to physical fatigue and discomfort, a lot of pregnant moms find it hard to fall asleep or stay sleeping during their pregnancy.
Since the baby can absorb anything the mother ingests, over the counter sleep aids are not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime Tea is a non-caffeinated herbal tea that helps people relax and fall asleep. Some pregnant moms are concerned about the herbs in sleepytime tea and wonder if they are safe to have during their pregnancy.
Is Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime Tea Safe To Drink While Pregnant?
The answer from the majority of doctors is “yes”, Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime tea is safe to drink at all stages of a woman’s pregnancy as long as it’s used in moderation.
Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime tea bags contain herbs that are good for relaxation and sleep.
Sleepytime Tea helps combat the feelings of anxiety and has herbs that are known to promote wellness, peaceful relaxation, and sleep. For most women, having the opportunity for a good night’s sleep usually outweighs any minimally negative effects Sleepytime Tea might cause.
There are some doctors, however, that warn against drinking Sleepytime tea during pregnancy because it contains herbs that have been known to cause problems during pregnancy.
Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime Tea has a small amount of chamomile, spearmint, lemongrass, Tilia Flowers, blackberry leaves, orange blossoms, hawthorn, and rosebuds in each tea bag.
In order to ensure good health and wellness, limit your consumption of Sleepytime tea to instances when you really feel you need it. If you want a casual tea to drink daily try Rooibos Tea, Raspberry Leaf Tea, and teas made from dried fruits.

1. Chamomile
Chamomile is an herb that relaxes the body and promotes sleep. Used in small quantities, it is relaxing and safe.
Chamomile can help with digestion, morning sickness, immunity, and relaxation, but should only be consumed in moderation. Do not drink more than one tea bag a day (try limiting consumption to fifteen grams of tea).
2. Spearmint
Spearmint is great for digestion and helps ease morning sickness. The cool refreshing aroma also helps with stress, however, spearmint tea has been known to cause complications in pregnancy, so only use it in small doses and drink in moderation.
3. Lemongrass
Lemongrass helps with immunity, stress, and digestion. It has an analgesic property that can help you calm down and relax, however, it is very unsafe for a baby if it is used too frequently or in too large a dose. It can cause increased menstrual flow and possible miscarriage.
4. Tilia Flowers
Tilia flowers act as a tranquilizer and are not recommended in large doses during pregnancy because they can cause fatigue and lethargy.
5. Blackberry Leaves
Blackberry leaves are good for nourishing the uterus during pregnancy, but also can be harmful if overused.
6. Orange Blossoms
Orange blossoms are aromatic and relaxing and are good for pregnant women in moderation.
7. Hawthorn
Hawthorn is good for lowering cholesterol and promoting blood health. It strengthens the blood and can lower blood sugar which is good if a woman is at risk for gestational diabetes.
7. Rosebuds
Rosebuds help tone the uterus and can aid in preparing for labor.
Are Any Herbal Teas Completely Safe To Drink During Pregnancy?
Studies have shown that Rooibos tea can be relaxing and beneficial to pregnant women and even children. Rooibos tea can be consumed with milk and honey and is almost one hundred percent safe for pregnant women, however, even too much Rooibos tea can be a bad thing.
Moderation is the Key

Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime tea is considered safe by most doctors for promoting sleep and relaxation, which are vital to a healthy pregnancy.
The amount of Sleepytime tea that is considered safe is up to you and your body. Usually no more than one cup a day is recommended and doctors advise switching between herbal teas so that you don’t consume too much of any one herb by mistake.
Consider alternating between Sleepytime Tea and Rooibos Teas for relaxation and sleep. Add a guided meditation to your nighttime routine and you will find yourself relaxing and falling asleep much quicker.
If you experience any issues with your pregnancy or feel the tea is having adverse effects, be sure to consult your doctor immediately.