If you’re anything like me, there is nothing you wouldn’t do to assure that your child is safe and secure. This is especially true when they are in the car.
I know I would never be able to forgive myself if something happened to them because I didn’t have the proper car seat for them installed, which is made even trickier because I have a taller baby to contend with. That’s why I made sure that I had the best convertible car seat for tall babies in my vehicle.
But, you ask, how did I know that I was buying the top of the line convertible car seat? What features did I look for?
Well, I am very glad that you asked! I have put together a list of all of the most important features that you need to keep in mind when buying a convertible car seat, as well as an in-depth review of the top three on the market today. Sound good? Thought so! Let’s get started!
The Best Convertible Car Seats For Tall Babies (Updated)
Convertible Car Seat |
Diono Radian R100 All-In-One Convertible Car Seat *Best Choice* |
(*) Below, you'll find my detailed reviews, but you can also click the links above to see prices and read customer's reviews.
Buyer's Guide
Why Should I Choose A Convertible Car Seat?
Plain and simple, it comes down to value and safety. A convertible car seat is a great value simply because you can use it for so long.
Most seats come with an infant insert, making it possible to start using it right after your little bundle is born. From there, it will allow you to use the same seat in different configurations for as long as your child needs a car seat.
These different configurations allow you to keep you little one as safe as possible, which is the most important goal. Since the seat can change to fit your kid’s physical safety requirements with a minor adjustment, convertible car seats are extremely safe.
Rear Facing Is Best
I am so happy that more and more people are beginning to understand how important it is to keep your child in a rear facing position for as long as possible. Notice there; I didn’t say until one or two years of age?
Even though it might seem like a huge inconvenience, the newest research has shown that children are more likely to suffer injury or even die if they are turned around too soon.
Plain and simple, their small bodies are not yet strong enough to endure the forces that they will encounter in a crash in a forward facing position. This is why I, and many others, highly recommend, and beg, that you keep your baby rear facing for as long as you are able.
If you get the right convertible car seat, you can keep your little one looking backward for a much longer time. This won’t bother your kid at all, especially if you get some of the newer seats that have an extended amount of leg room built into the seat.
Key Features To Look For In The Best Convertible Car Seat For Taller Babies

Now that we got that little PSA out of the way let’s get down to the business of what important features you need to be aware of when you are looking to buy the best convertible car seat.
Installation System – There are two basic methods to install any car seat. You can utilize the LATCH system, (which will only work with newer cars), or you can use a seatbelt.
You should never install a car seat with both installation systems, as they will work against each other.
Car Compatibility – Before you install with either system, read your car’s owner manual to be sure that you can install them correctly. The LATCH system is much easier to use than a seatbelt, but will not work in every vehicle.
You also need to think about how big the seat is and if it will fit in your vehicle. If for instance, you have a smaller car, you would need to be sure that you have the best convertible car seat for a compact car, which would allow you to install the seat in a smaller amount of space safely.
Rear Facing Limits – As I said before, you want to keep your little one rear facing as long as you possibly can. That’s why you need to be aware of your seat’s weight and height limits.
Cheaper seats will usually have lower limits, which means you’ll have to turn the car seat around sooner than you would hope.
Ideally, it would be best if you could find a seat that allows your little one to be rear facing until they are at three and a half or four years old.
Ease of Use – Are the straps easy to adjust? Can you clean the seat quickly if your baby makes a mess? Or perhaps you need to transfer between cars or even take the car seat on an airplane for vacation. You need to take all of these things into consideration before you purchase the seat.
Safety Features – Perhaps the most important thing to take into account is whether or not the car seat is safe for your child. Luckily, if a car seat is for sale through a retailer, it is safe, regardless of its price.
However, you should be sure that it includes side impact protection and a five-point harness to assure that your baby will be especially safe.
Height Limit – Obviously, if you are looking for a car seat for a taller baby, you’ll want to have the maximum height limit in mind. The higher the limit, the longer you can keep your little one in their seat using the five point harness, which is the safest form of restraint.
Top Five Convertible Car Seats For Tall Babies
1. Graco 4ever All-in-One Convertible Car Seat

The Good: Whether your baby is tall or short, this is a great convertible car seat! It can be used in a variety of ways and will be the only car seat you need to purchase. It can be used through infancy, as long as your baby is at least 4 lbs. at birth, all the way up until your kid doesn’t need a booster seat anymore, with a top weight limit of 120 lbs.!
This seat, which you can view here, is also built with your child’s comfort and safety in mind. It has been certified and tested in a variety of crash situations and has tons of thick padding to make it a comfy seat for your kid.
The Bad: Though the thick padding is essential to your baby’s comfort, it isn’t as breathable as some other seats. If you aren’t careful, your little one might get really hot in this seat in the summer time.
The Long and Short of It: This is a safe and comfortable seat that you can utilize for over ten years for your child’s car riding needs. The fabric isn’t especially breathable, however, so make sure you crank that A/C!
2. Graco Extend2Fit Convertible Car Seat

The Good: As you read earlier, I am an advocate for keeping kids rear-facing for as long as possible. That is why I love this car seat! Most convertible car seats only allow you to have your baby in them rear-facing until 40 pounds.
This one, which you can view here, gives you an extra 10 pounds to play with, topping out at 50 pounds! While this might not sound like all that much, it will probably give your child an additional year to remain looking backward, which is just so much safer!
The Bad: Once you do turn your child around to face the front, this seat only has a maximum height limit of 47 inches. This will probably be enough for most babies, but if yours is extra tall, you might want to consider another seat.
The Long and Short of It: The Extend2Fit is absolutely awesome for rear facing kids since it will keep them there longer than any other seat on the market. However, it has a lower maximum height than others in the forward facing position, so it might not last too long once you switch it around.
3. Diono Radian R100 All-In-One Convertible Car Seat

The Good: If you are looking for quite possibly the best convertible car seat for tall babies, then this offering from Diono just might be it! When in the forward position, it will allow your child to use the five point harness all the way up to 57 inches in height! This gives you an extra seven inches of height in comparison to other seats. Plain and simple, this will keep your kid safer for longer when you have them forward facing.
This is also one of the slimmest car seats out there, making it easier to fit more kids in car seats in your car comfortably. If you have a bunch of littles, you might want to check this out, because it will make your traveling life that much easier.
The Bad: Due to its slim design, there are no armrests or side supports, making this car seat a little less comfortable than some others on the list. However, if this is the only seat your kid has ever known, they won’t know what they are missing.
The Long and Short of It: This seat, which you can view here, is great for taller babies. It has a slim and sleek design that cuts out extra cushioning while allowing you to fit more kids in your car.
4. Diono Radian RXT All-In-One Convertible Car Seat

The Good: This is another great offering from Diono, which you can view here. Much like the previous entry, this seat will allow you to keep using the five point harness until your child is 57 inches in height. However, this seat also has a bit more cushioning and a cup holder for your little one as well. If you only have one child or have tons of room in your car and don’t need a slimmer seat, then this one is definitely up your alley.
The Bad: As with other Diono seats, the price might be a bit prohibitive for some parents. When compared to other seats on the list, this one will usually cost you quite a bit more.
The Long and Short of It: This seat has tons of cushioning for your child’s comfort and will keep them in their harness for a long time. It is a bit pricey, however, when compared to other car seats.
5. Evenflo Symphony Elite All-In-One Convertible Car Seat

The Good: This seat from Evenflo, which you can view here, is another great choice if you are looking to buy one, and only one, car seat. You will be able to use this one for as long as your child needs to be in a car seat or booster, making it a great choice if you want to save a lot of time.
It has tons of cushioning and is one of the easiest car seats to install, thanks to the auto-retracting Sure LATCH connectors, which eliminate the need for any pulling or pushing.
The Bad: You won’t be able to utilize this seat for a long time rear facing in comparison to some others on the market. It has an upper weight limit of 40 lbs., which will make it necessary to turn your kid around a bit sooner than is recommended.
The Long and Short of It: This is an easy to install seat which you can use for a long time. However, you won’t be able to use it for rear-facing for very long, since it has a low weight limit.
And The Winner Is...
After careful deliberation, I have found that the Diono Radian R100 All-In-One Convertible Car Seat is the best convertible car seat for tall babies! It’s slim design, and extra tall height limit (57 inches) make it a great choice if you or someone you know has an extra tall kid, and I highly recommend it!
Snug and Secure!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read through this article, and I hope that you can now find the seat of your dreams! If you have any questions, comments, or advice, please let me know in the comments section below. Thanks again, and have a wonderful day!!
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