So, you just found out you were pregnant! I bet you are super excited for the birth of your new baby. But, now you have to wait almost 4 months to figure out the gender.
What if you could figure out the sex of the baby before the anatomy ultrasound? Well, let us discuss the baking soda gender test.
Figuring Out the Gender of Your Baby
Studies have shown that about 66% of new parents from ages 18-34 years old would like to know the sex of their baby before the birth. As the parents age the percentage will begin to decrease. You are most likely to hear an older couple who would like to be surprised rather than a younger couple.
Many ways to find out the gender of your baby earlier are floating around the internet. You may have heard of the Ramzi Theory Test, Skull Theory, The Bleach Test, Cabbage Test, The Ring Test , The Sugar Test and the Baking Soda Test. These tests are all based on theories to provide parents results quicker.
What is the Baking Soda Gender Test?
The baking soda gender test is exactly as it sounds. You mix baking soda and urine together. If the baking soda begins to fizz and bubble (much like carbonated drinks) then the theory is that you are having a male. If the baking soda sits still and doesn’t fizz then the theory would suggest you would be having a girl.
What is the Theory Behind the Baking Soda Test?
When baking soda is introduced to acids it will have a chemical reaction. When some acids are combined with baking soda it will cause a fizz and bubble reaction.
The Baking Soda Theory suggests that the pH in women’s urine will change based on the gender of the baby. The theory assumes that women’s pH will become more acidic if she is having a boy.
How do you Conduct the Baking Soda Gender Test?
There are no specific measurements in order to do the Baking Soda Gender Test. The only requirement is that you need to use equal parts urine and baking soda. Pour the urine on top of the baking soda. If the baking soda bubble and fizzes then the theory suggest you will be having a boy.
So, is the Baking Soda Gender Test Accurate?
This test is certainly not going to be reliable. Of course there are going to be moms who perform this test and it ends up that the results are consistent with the baby’s correct gender. However, if the test does get the gender right it is 100% coincidence.
Whether or not the baking soda fizzes and bubbles has to do with many different factors. The bubbling is affected by dehydration, diet and your bodies personal pH levels. Some women may just have higher pH levels than other women. Therefore, this test is not reliable in determining gender.
Is There Something that is More Accurate?
With modern technology parents really don’t have to wait too long to see the gender of their baby. We are actually very spoiled to know the gender for several months before baby comes into this world. Our grandparents didn’t have that luxury.
With modern blood tests we actually can figure out gender as early as 7 weeks, but won’t usually be performed until around 10 weeks! So, if you were really struggling to wait until 20 weeks then you can request a blood tests from your OBGYN. You could also purchase the Sneak Peek gender test.
The blood tests works by obtaining a blood sample from the mother. The test will analyze maternal blood to detect Y chromosomes. If Y Chromosomes are detected then the test will determine the mother is having a male. The test is 95% accurate.
It is important to note that although the blood test from the doctors claims to be 95% accurate there are mixed thoughts about the at home gender tests. No blood gender tests on the internet will provide reviews higher than 4 stars.
What is the MOST Accurate Way to Determine?

In the end, you will want to probably wait until your anatomy ultrasound to determine the sex of your baby. It may seem like a long ways away, but 20 weeks will come before you know it and that is the BEST way to establish the gender of your baby.
In an anatomy ultrasound you will be able to physically see the gender and in most cases you will have no doubts as to the sex. If your little one is male you will be able to see his penis in between his little legs. If your little one is female then you are looking for three little dots near their bum and in between their legs. As long as they are not shy you can figure out in seconds.
I know that waiting can be tough. And of course there is no harm in doing the Baking Soda Gender Test in early pregnancy. However, the Baking Soda Gender Test should only be done for fun and not to actually determine the gender.
If you really don’t think you can wait until the 20 week ultrasound then you can do the blood test in your doctor's office, or purchase the Sneak Peek at home test.
We want to hear from you now! How many of you have tried the Baking Soda Test and it has actually be accurate? Please comment on this article and share this article with your friends!